Kennedy Theater
Set in a 1943 Harlem tenement, John Henry Redwood's The Old Settler is a compelling story of love, yearning, and unexpected turns. Elizabeth Borny, a middle-aged spinster, and her skeptical sister, Quilly McGrath, find their lives disrupted when a handsome young Great Migrator, Husband Witherspoon, shows up at their doorstep. Husband, their new boarder, has been on a quest to reunite with his long-lost love, Lou Bessie. However, his arrival sparks an unexpected May-December, leading to a mix of humor, tension, and emotional depth. The play, which explores themes of love, survival, and family dynamics, is infused with a sense of authenticity and warmth.
The production is directed by Moses T. Alexander Greene, whose accolades include BroadwayWorld Raleigh's 2024 award for Best Performer in a Musical (North Carolina Theatre/The Color Purple) and its 2020 award for Original Script of the Decade (Li V Mahob Theatre Company/Pooled: A Gospel Musical Drama).